I'm Charlotte
Journey to UX
While working as a software engineer I have always paid particular attention to the product's ease of use. While working at TomTom I came across the UX field and instantly felt it was a perfect fit for what I have been trying to do.
I made my ambitions clear with my manager and we managed to carve out time for me to pursue this. Over time I have gained valuable experience by participating in various UX functions: product discovery, user interviews, ideations, customer journeys, sketches, prototyping, UX reviews, user feedback reviews, and design sprints.
I was serious about this and I wanted to back myself with a solid foundation. So in 2020, I graduated from UX Design Institute with a Professional Diploma in UX Design.
In the last 2-3 years at TomTom, I assumed the role of a UX Engineer within my team. During this time I started up a component library, showcased using Storybook, to support the Design System for our team to have an easier transition from design to development and have a common mental model.
What else I like doing
I enjoy creating things with my hands and am very drawn to crafts.
I love knitting shawls as they have a lot of versatility in construction, colors, and attire you can pair them with.
While knitting I came across lots of beautifully colored yarn and one day I asked myself ‘Why not try it out yourself?’. And that is where it all started. I took the plunge and tried dying some myself.
I now love planning out color combinations and effects that go well with my next project and following up by dyeing the yarn myself; it makes the final product even more special.